Proper and thorough cleaning is essential for maintaining a healthy and productive work environment. Special attention has been paid to hygiene in recent years, especially after the outbreak of the pandemic. Hygiene has become a priority in every enclosed space, and offices are no exception.

Why is maintaining a clean business space important for success?

Maintaining cleanliness in your company is not just a matter of aesthetics. It is a crucial factor that affects everything from the company's reputation to the health and productivity of employees.

Let's look at a few main benefits:

Positive impression: First impressions matter a lot. A clean and tidy business space creates a professional atmosphere and shows respect towards clients, partners, and employees. Health and safety: Dust, dirt, and accumulated bacteria can lead to the spread of viruses and various illnesses. Regular cleaning and disinfection prevent health issues among employees, resulting in fewer absences from work. Employee productivity: A clean and organized work environment contributes to better focus and concentration among employees. According to studies, this leads to increased productivity and efficiency. Cost reduction: Regular cleaning extends the lifespan of furniture, equipment, and electronic devices. Better reputation: Maintaining cleanliness indicates the professionalism and attention to detail of your company. This contributes to positive public opinion and strengthens the brand.

Do not neglect pest control

Maintaining hygiene in your business space significantly contributes to preventing the appearance of pests. However, despite your best efforts, occasional infestations can still occur. Signs of a potential problem include droppings, unusual odors, or visible insects or rodents.

If you suspect a pest problem, do not hesitate to take action. Professional pest control can successfully eliminate insects, while rodent control will solve the problem with rodents. Quick response to the issue will minimize work disruptions and ensure a healthy work environment.

Proper office cleaning in eight steps

If you want to ensure a high level of hygiene in your office, we have prepared a brief guide for proper office cleaning in eight steps for a clean and sparkling work environment:

1. Cleaning the office or business space starts from the top

The logical order of cleaning involves starting from the highest points, such as ceilings and walls, and moving down to the floor. This allows dust and dirt from higher levels to not settle on already cleaned surfaces.

2. Caring for furniture

After cleaning the walls, focus on work surfaces. Desks, shelves, and cabinets are magnets for dust – regular cleaning is essential.

To make the entire space look even better, furniture can be additionally refreshed with professional steam cleaners and polished if desired, which is especially good for wooden cabinets and desks.

3. Thorough maintenance of electrical devices

Computers, printers, and other equipment are often breeding grounds for microorganisms. Regular disinfection of keyboards, mice, screens, and telephone handsets with high-alcohol-content products is extremely important. Daily cleaning and providing disinfectant wipes to employees maintain a high level of hygiene in the office.

4. Dry cleaning of floors

Dry cleaning of office floors starts with a broom, dustpan, or fine cloths for smaller areas and tile or parquet floors.

For larger areas and carpets, use professional vacuum cleaners with adjustable brushes and high suction power to ensure thorough removal of dust and dirt.

5. Wet cleaning of floor surfaces

Wet cleaning of floors is just as important, if not more important than dry cleaning, because it is crucial for disinfecting office spaces. Choose products and tools carefully according to the type of floor. Use professional cleaning machines adapted to the surface to achieve efficiency and prevent damage.

6. Professional window cleaning

Professional window cleaning is necessary in offices where windows quickly get dirty due to high traffic. Using quality products and tools gives the best results. Clean windows are important not only for hygiene but also for aesthetics, especially when clients or partners frequently visit.

7. After cleaning, watch where you walk

Wet floors act like magnets for dirt from shoe soles. This can leave visible marks when the floor dries, and dirt can re-accumulate in the form of dark streaks and piles, even if you think the shoes are clean. Use quality entrance mats to prevent this.

8. Always finish cleaning from the inside out

If the office has a terrace or an anteroom, the last step should be cleaning these outdoor surfaces. This way, you prevent dust from being raised again inside. Also, you can take out the trash, disinfect locks, switches, and handrails, as well as clean furniture and tiles on the terrace. It is important to organize this final step so that the entire office, including outdoor areas, is professionally cleaned.


In conclusion, we suggest involving your employees in maintaining the hygiene and freshness of the office space. You can make simple lists with steps to be done daily, such as cleaning headsets, mice, and keyboards, for their safety.

This doesn't require much time, and it can significantly contribute to the cleanliness of their personal workspaces.

Additionally, by providing special hygiene wipes, screen cleaning wipes, surface sprays, hand sanitizers, and similar items, your employees will not see cleaning as an obligation.