Almost no session of the City Assembly goes by without decisions on new urban plans or amendments to existing ones.

Because of this, many residents of Novi Sad become increasingly confused when reading news about numerous investment plans and construction opportunities, as it is difficult at this moment to keep track of all the announced, approved, and ongoing projects.

Given that the portal regularly follows this segment of city planning and investment, we have prepared for you an overview of the major planned investments, as well as those currently underway.

What are the most well-known projects?

What is most visible to citizens are certainly the projects that have attracted the attention of the wider public.

Thus, the beginning of this year was marked by plans to build a church near Štrand. This plan led to protests, public assemblies, as well as political disputes and accusations of "attacking sanctities."

The church municipality announced that the religious building will be dedicated to those who perished in Bačka during the occupation in World War II, especially during the Raid of 1942 in Novi Sad.

In the immediate vicinity of the church, near the Freedom Bridge, a memorial center dedicated to one of the most tragic events in the city's history will also be built.

Attention was also drawn to the discovery by that a company in which football player Dušan Tadić holds a 50% ownership stake plans to build a ten-story office building on the site of Hotel Sajam.

At the beginning of May, the old hotel was completely demolished. The new building will have two basement levels intended for a garage, a ground floor, and ten floors, with a total gross area of over 23,000 square meters. The building will have 31 business spaces and 250 garage spaces.

Hotel "Park" will get a new look, and the building will be upgraded to become "Hyatt Regency Novi Sad." This hotel is designed to be a modern premium hotel located in a green oasis near Futoški Park by reconstructing and upgrading the existing "Park" hotel.

On the site of the former "Jugoalat" factory, a residential-business complex with skyscrapers up to 15 floors is planned. The plan covers an area of over three hectares, including the former Yugoslav giant's complex and part of Gavrilo Princip Street.

At the beginning of the year, the former "Elektroporcelan" factory was also demolished, and a residential complex by the company "Galens invest" will be built on that site.

The demolition followed several years after the failed privatization of "Elektroporcelan," which first lost its workers and then was sold off due to debts. The land with buildings was purchased by "Galens," which can build a structure up to nine floors on this location. "Elektroporcelan" was founded in 1922, but part of the buildings were constructed after World War II.

New Neighborhood

At the corner of Knez Miloš Boulevard and Jovan Dučić Boulevard, in the New Settlement, a complex with 14-story skyscrapers is planned. This plan covers an area of two hectares. In the western part, multi-family housing with up to six floors plus an attic with mandatory construction of a basement or underground garage is also planned.

Work on the "New Settlement" Cultural Station project began at the end of 2023, with a project value of over 863 million dinars, including taxes. The building will be located on an area at the corner of Bate Brkića and Seljačkih buna streets. The building's area will be 960 square meters and will have two floors.

At the corner of Europe Boulevard and Vojvoda Stepa Boulevard, a company owned by the Matijević family plans to build two skyscrapers of thirteen and ten floors. The urban project shows that the complex will consist of two separate buildings connected by a two-level underground garage. One building will be a business skyscraper, and the other will be a residential building.

The general regulation plan has also been changed for the location between Momčilo Tapavica Street and Jovan Dučić Boulevard, owned by "Galens invest," where a sports park was previously planned. However, the changes now foresee the construction of a "sports center." The difference can be significant, as a sports park must include greenery and be open to all citizens, while a sports center can involve constructing a building for sports purposes.

Instead of the planned park of 2,800 square meters north of the "Jugovićevo" barracks, along Europe Boulevard, urban planners now plan a parking lot.

Sremska Side

On Trandžament, between Kamenički Put and Dunavska Divizija Street, around 2,000 new apartments could be built in the coming period. As recently wrote, a general city center is planned in this area, with up to 65 buildings forming four units. The total area of the plot on which the construction is planned exceeds 10 hectares.

According to the urban plan, the construction of a preschool institution for the needs of the complex is mandatory. The new kindergarten will be a one-story building for 300 children.

City urban planners have also designed several plans that have sparked significant reactions among Novi Sad residents, one of which is the permit for constructing an eight-story building above the tunnel on Mišeluk.

The main difference compared to the previously valid plan is that the number of floors has been doubled, and the construction of an underground garage is allowed. Also, the requirement for an architectural competition and engineering-geological investigations has been removed.

By changing the urban plan for Sadovi, this neighborhood along the Danube River, instead of family houses, will get 28 hectares of residential buildings. The local government's idea is to build a series of residential blocks up to eight stories high on currently green areas and forest.

Sadovi, i.e., the part currently consisting of forest, meadows, undeveloped agricultural and construction land, as well as marshland, instead of an area intended for family housing with houses up to two floors, is turning into an area intended for multi-story buildings.

In the past year, city authorities have been rapidly adopting regulation plans for the Mišeluk area and the Tatarsko Brdo area.

Thus, the General Regulation Plan for the Mišeluk area with Ribnjak includes plans for a heliport, schools, kindergartens, a cultural station, a health center, and more. On this 93.44-hectare area, buildings for multi-family housing with general city, linear, and specialized centers, public services, a clinical center, tourist-recreational areas are planned.

In one part of Mišeluk, a tourist-sports-recreational zone is planned, located at the corner of Major Tepića Street and the state road. The proposal for the tourist-sports-recreational area includes setting up open fields for various sports (football, basketball, trim tracks, mini golf, etc.), as well as a children's playground.

In another part of Mišeluk, the construction of a residential complex with a kindergarten and a cultural facility is planned, and in the area intended for multi-family housing along the Institute Road in Sremska Kamenica.

At Tatarsko Brdo, near Kamenički Park, the construction of a residential complex with a total of 11 buildings, 331 apartments, 451 garage spaces, and 16 general-purpose shops is planned.

The draft detailed regulation plan for the area between the "Istok" work zone and Sadovi in Petrovaradin envisages that 50% of the eight-hectare area will be dedicated to business. Within the work zone, purposes from the secondary and tertiary sectors are planned. The secondary sector includes industry, while the tertiary sector represents trade, tourism, hospitality, crafts, and similar activities. The maximum allowed building height is ground floor plus two floors, while administrative buildings can have more floors.

During the past year, city urban planners have also planned additional changes at some locations across the city.

Thus, changes to the plan for the Đačko Playground location include the construction of two new buildings for the Provincial Institute for Sport and Medicine, one of which will be single-story with a basement or underground level, while the other can be a maximum of two stories with a basement or underground level.

The single-story building is planned for a larger part of this area, above which there will be a multifunctional sports field on the flat roof slab, with free space and a fence. The sports field will still be publicly accessible, and access should be designed from the existing playground complex.

The residential block to be built in the area between Sajlovo and Veternik, leading to changes in the General Regulation Plan for this area, covers about 8.3 hectares and will be intended for multi-family housing and business. In addition to buildings for multi-family housing, there will also be a health station, i.e., a health center, while a preschool institution will be located on the ground floor of one of the multi-family buildings.

The new conceptual framework of the spatial plan for housing along Europe Boulevard in Novi Sad plans for multi-family housing, as well as a preschool institution and a heating plant complex.

These are just some of the highlighted plans and projects across Novi Sad, and you can find a construction map on the website.